25 May 2008

biggest drawing in the world

Artist Erik Nordenankar has created the Biggest Drawing in the World. The description of the project from his website is as follows:

"With the help of a GPS device and DHL I have drawn a self portrait on our planet. My pen was a briefcase containing the GPS device being sent around the world. The paths the briefcase took around the globe became the strokes of the drawing."

The project began on March 17th 2008 and the briefcase took 55 days to complete its journey. It passed through 6 continents and 62 countries on it's 110,664 km trip following detailed directions.
Simple idea with a big outcome. It also reminds us that there is art happening out there without us even knowing it. Perhaps someone is creating the galaxy's largest drawing and we are merely a brush stroke...Cause it's a big universe!

check out the official website for the project: http://biggestdrawingintheworld.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really wonderful project. Thanks for sharing it. MKL